Type up your analysis from the lesson using the headings below. You may want to watch the key scenes again and develop your notes in further detail - the more specific and memorable your analysis, the better it will serve you when writing an essay on TV drama. Remember, you can watch the episode for free on the All 4 website and the main reading and research tasks for Deutschland 83 are on this case study blogpost here.
Scene 1: Garden/BBQ scenes (East & West Germany)
4.58 – 8.20 and 34.00 – 37.20
Make notes under the following headings:
Technical codes – particularly mise-en-scene
- the costumes ( Martin's hat was very visible - he didn't fit with the rest
- the difference in costume of people working fro the country and people living their every day life
- the difference in the appearance of the sisters
Representation of East & West Germany / Family / Gender
East - bright ( contrasts the usual view of communism ), happy, west German pop song playing, western culture goods
East - bright ( contrasts the usual view of communism ), happy, west German pop song playing, western culture goods
West - very cold, professional atmosphere, people from higher rank, family first, global, less crowded, more food, rebelian children, multi-cultural,
Scene 2: Martin/Moritz first sees the West German supermarket
14.30 – 20.25
Make notes under the following headings:
Technical codes – particularly mise-en-scene
Audio codes – particularly music
The music in supermarket, the lyric says 'some of them wants to use you',
The phase of the music speeds up then he tries to escape
The music in supermarket, the lyric says 'some of them wants to use you',
The phase of the music speeds up then he tries to escape
Representation of East & West Germany / Communism & Capitalism / Historical accuracy
The overexageretion on the supermarket shelfs emphasises the huge contrast between east and west; poor and rich.
The overexageretion on the supermarket shelfs emphasises the huge contrast between east and west; poor and rich.
Audience pleasures
personal relationships; even some shots make an effort to identify with the main character
diversion; the shop looks unrealistic
Scene 3: Training montage scene when Martin/Moritz learns how to be a spy
20.40 – 22.40
Make notes under the following headings:
Technical codes – particularly camerawork and editing
In the montage the text is changing with the audio into moremodern
- it helped us to learn how bad of a sky Martin will be.
In the montage the text is changing with the audio into moremodern
- it helped us to learn how bad of a sky Martin will be.
Audio codes
Audio; pop 80's song that creates the feel of those Times and keeps the clip cheerful.
Audio; pop 80's song that creates the feel of those Times and keeps the clip cheerful.
Audience pleasures
personal relationship - we angage with the main character as we discover his character and personality ( he's very clumsy and bad at skying)
personal identity - some people might relate to the idea of different names of products, as living in Germany they've experienced the same thing.
personal relationship - we angage with the main character as we discover his character and personality ( he's very clumsy and bad at skying)
personal identity - some people might relate to the idea of different names of products, as living in Germany they've experienced the same thing.
It reffered to James Bond, but in less serious way
Scene 4: Briefcase scene when Martin/Moritz is stealing the NATO nuclear plans
31.13 – 33.30
Make notes under the following headings:
Technical codes – particularly camerawork and editing
The camera angles make us engage with Martin and the editing shows te tence situation that he's in.
Audio codes – diegetic and non-diegetic sound
The non-diegetic sound (tence music in the background) made the audience sit at the adge of their seats and make them as stress as Martin was.
Diegetic sound - all we could hear were soft sounds of opening the door or the ticking of the clock that were emphesized. It makes the scene seem much more serious and dangerous.
The camera angles make us engage with Martin and the editing shows te tence situation that he's in.
Audio codes – diegetic and non-diegetic sound
The non-diegetic sound (tence music in the background) made the audience sit at the adge of their seats and make them as stress as Martin was.
Diegetic sound - all we could hear were soft sounds of opening the door or the ticking of the clock that were emphesized. It makes the scene seem much more serious and dangerous.
Audience pleasures
personal relationship - the idea of doing something we shouldn't be doing makes us feel closer to Martin
personal relationship - the idea of doing something we shouldn't be doing makes us feel closer to Martin